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Canadian Music Publishers Association Rebrands as Music Publishers Canada

On October 29, 2019 the Canadian Music Publishers Association (CMPA) made an announcement that it will become Music Publishers Canada, effective immediately. The rebranding campaign includes not only a name change but also a new design, social media, and some changes in programming.

According to Music Publishers Canada’s press release the new identity better highlights the importance of music publishers who work hard to  #CreatePromoteProtect:

“The new brand communicates our evolving identity as champions of the rights of music publishers in Canada,” said Music Publishers Canada’s executive director Margaret McGuffin in a statement. “These are exciting times. The creation and distribution of music in Canada is undergoing rapid and extraordinary change and the role of the music publisher has never been more integral. It has grown into overseeing the creation, promotion and protection of songs and the development of new markets. It encompasses everything from songwriter development to copyright management.”