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Artist Annual Profile Review – February 28, 2019

The annual profile review deadline is coming up on Thursday February 28, 2019.

This is an important deadline for artists looking to maintain or increase their artist rating.

Following the review, ratings can increase or decrease, and all new ratings will go into effect on April 1, 2019.

Artist ratings are determined by comparing the Additional Information values provided across all the artist profiles in our system. The top-scoring artist profiles will be assigned a rating of Artist 3 or Artist 2 based on how many artists FACTOR can fund at that level.

Remember that FACTOR’s rating system is competitive. Some artists rated 2 or 3 may see their rating drop, while some artists rated General or Artist 2 will move up. You can view sample scores for Artists 2 and 3 from the last profile review deadline on our Profile & Ratings for Artists page. Remember that these values are not thresholds, and they shift after each deadline.

We highly recommend consulting the Artist Profile Additional Information Guide for a detailed look at each section.



– Clients should enter likes and followers numbers for Facebook and Twitter. These numbers are no longer pulled by FACTOR.

– We are now collecting data on Instagram followers for information purposes. We invite you to provide this information in the Social Media Presence section.


Discography Sales Calculator (Version 3.0) is mandatory for all clients reporting on release sales. Upload one calculator for the artist’s discography from the past five years only (releases from March 1, 2014 to February 28, 2019) to the main Discography page.


– The Live Performance Calculator (Version 3.0) is mandatory for all clients reporting on live performance dates. Upload one calculator for performance dates in the past 24 months and future 6 months from the February 28, 2019, deadline date (i.e. March 2017 – August 2019) to the main Live Performance page.